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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 27 Consumption of Harām Deprived of Halāl food

Deprived of Halāl food

Deprived of Halāl food

One day, Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n ‘Ali (a.s.) reached the mosque and alighted from his mule. He entrusted his animal to a person and entered the mosque. The man pulled out the saddle and ran away leaving the mule unattended.

 When ‘Ali (a.s.) returned, he was holding two dirhams. He intended to give them to the man who had looked after the mule. He found the mule without the saddle. After reaching home he gave the same two dirhams to his slave for the purchase of another saddle. The slave went to the bazār found the same rein. It came to be known that the thief had sold the stolen rein for two dirhams. It was the same amount that he could have earned in a lawful way. When the slave related the whole incident to ‘Ali (a.s.), he said,

“By abandoning patience man converts his Halāl sustenance into Harām. Though he does not receive more than what is in his destiny.”



[8] A person who earns money by passing information of the unknown acquired with the help of jinns

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